1. The aim of graduate education is specializing and carrying out research in one of the topics of ITU Computer Engineering Department.

  2. It is recommended to examine the topics of ITU Computer Engineering Department before starting the programme and talk with related faculty members about advisory during your education.

  3. The courses you will take and the thesis you will prepare will be in the topic you selected and under the authorization of your advisor faculty member.

  4. Attendance is required in the graduate courses. To be able to succeed, you have to attend courses regularly and participate in interim work (homework assignments, projects, presentations etc) actively.

  5. It is not a solution to talk with the lecturer after the term for getting better grades from the courses you fail. Working in a job does not bring you additional rights or privileges.

  6. Having a dense job makes it very hard to succeed in graduate education. If you do not have a scholarship, it is recommended to work in research projects or have a part time job, instead of a full time job.

  7. Students who are not graduated from Computer Engineering programme must attend to Scientific Preparation courses in their first year. It is recommended to examine these courses and their contents before applying to the programme.

  8. To be able to get your MSc thesis accepted, it is a mandatory to have an academic publication accepted in an international conference or a SCI-E scanned journal. PhD students must have a SCI-E scanned journal.